It's all about the diet, which speeds up metabolism. The result from the Japanese diet is stored up to three years. Is not this a dream of many women?

Have you noticed that all Japanese women are easy and tiny. To meet a woman with extra pounds on the waist is almost impossible. Looking for Japanese women, it seems that the women of the country of the rising sun sitting on a strict diet. Japanese women do diet, they do not hide it, not constantly, as many as only once in three years. The result from the Japanese diet is stored up to three years. Is not this a dream of many women?
In 13 days, that's the number of days allowed to sit on this diet, the body is transformed. Some in 13 days could lose up to 10 pounds of excess weight. For many it will seem far-fetched, but Japanese diet really works if you adhere strictly to its rules. Japanese diet is often called "salt-free diet", because all 13 days can not eat salt, sugar, alcohol and flour (pastry) products.
Japanese diet invented and developed by Japanese nutritionists. For a long time, doctors have perfected this method of weight loss. After years of observations, they came to the following conclusions: after 13 days in the body, there is a complete restructuring of metabolism, and the effect from diet is stored up to 3 years without further effort and diets. The main thing – to tune in to the healing process, because the diet is very strict. The slightest deviation nullifies all efforts. You can not change the consistency in food and to replace products of one another – from what you eat during a diet depends on rebuilding your metabolism. Diet this diet varied, so that fasting is not necessary. "The Japanese diet" combines healthy food and effective weight loss in a short time. This diet plan has both advantages and disadvantages. Although merit is still more!
Instead of black tea green. Green tea – the most powerful antioxidant, full of vitamin E (considered to be the women's vitamin) and S. Have 13 days to forget about the salt and sugar. Instead of salt you can use a variety of spices and herbs instead of sugar – fruits which are full of fructose. Rice is the main food of the Japanese, therefore the Japanese diet can not do without this cereal. Rice can be eaten every day, between lunch and dinner, in between, but better than brown and unpolished, it has more fiber and vitamins.

The first day
In Japan it is not customary to eat Breakfast, so diet does not imply a hearty Breakfast. You can drink a Cup of natural black coffee, no sugar (sugar forbidden) with a slice of rye or black bread with bran. For lunch you can eat two boiled eggs with lettuce, cabbage and cucumber. After lunch you can drink a glass of vegetable juice, such as tomato, carrot. For dinner prepare any of your favorite fish (250 g), it can boil or fry in small amount of oil. Before bedtime drink a glass of buttermilk.
The second day
For Breakfast, as all 13 days, black coffee and rye toast. At lunch, prepare fish or any seafood. Fish make a salad of any fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, peppers, various greens. For dinner, boiled beef with vegetable salad. Before bed – yogurt or yogurt.
The third day
For Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee and one biscuit. Lunch – 1 big zucchini, fried in oil slices or rings. Fried zucchini can sprinkle with herbs. For dinner, boil 2 eggs. Make the eggs fresh cabbage salad with olive oil. Before sleep you can eat boiled rice and wash it down with yogurt.
The fourth day
Breakfast – Cup of black coffee or green tea. Lunch – 1 raw egg, 3 large carrots stewed with vegetable oil, 20 grams of unsalted cheese, hard varieties (you can make a salad, cut diced carrots and cheese and watering vegetable oil). At dinner – any fruit except bananas and grapes in moderation.
The fifth day
Breakfast – black coffee and raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch – fried or boiled fish or seafood with a glass of fresh tomato juice and vegetable salad; dinner – any fruit except bananas and grapes in moderation, and yogurt. For dinner you can make a fruit salad and season it with natural yoghurt.
The sixth day
Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee, 20 g of hard cheese. Lunch – half a small lean boiled chicken without skin, carrot or cabbage salad. At dinner – 200 grams of raw carrots with vegetable oil, a steam omelette of two eggs. Before bed a Cup of yogurt.
The seventh day
For Breakfast – green tea or herbal tea without sugar plus biscuit; lunch – 200 grams of boiled beef and a small amount of fruit. For dinner any option proposed above, except for dinner the third day. Before going to bed yogurt.
The eighth day
Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee. For lunch half a small lean boiled chicken without skin, carrot or cabbage salad. At dinner – 200 grams of raw carrots with vegetable oil plus 2 eggs, hard-boiled.
The ninth day
For Breakfast – raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. At lunch, 300 g of any fish, boiled or fried. Boiled rice, better than brown. A glass of fresh tomato juice. At dinner – any fruit except bananas and grapes in moderation.
The tenth day
For Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee and rye toast. At lunch one egg, 3 large carrots stewed with olive oil, 20 g of hard unsalted cheese. Day 10 without a supper, but before bedtime you can drink natural yogurt.
The eleventh day
For Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee and one biscuit. For lunch, one large zucchini, fried in oil slices or slices and vegetable salad. Dinner – 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil.
The twelfth day
For Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee and one biscuit. For lunch – fish, boiled or grilled, vegetable salad, boiled rice. For dinner – 100 g of boiled beef and salad. Before bed 1 glass of kefir.
The thirteenth day
For Breakfast – a Cup of black coffee custard and cheese. Lunch – 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad from cabbage is welded with olive oil, a glass of fresh tomato juice. Dinner – 250-300 grams of boiled or grilled fish with salad. Before bed yogurt or kefir.
To secure the result, of the Japanese diet is gently and rightly to "come out". 13 days without the sweet, for some it's a tough challenge, and yet do not jump on the sweet and salty. Would be a shame to spoil the result, because you have survived as many as 13 days strict diet in order to please myself and others to be beautiful and attractive.